March 24, 2007

Increase Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process where lots of chemical reaction takes place in the body that converts the food we eat into the energy, which is necessary for us to perform routine activities and also
during workouts in a gym. It depends on an individual’s metabolism quotient, what you eat is what you reap that is the basic logic behind it. Now people overhere hold various wrong notions about this topic and physical endurance. Here are the simple ways that a person can increase their metabolism and physical endurance.

  • One should always have a healthy breakfast in the morning.
  • By eating smaller meals throughout the day at regular intervals of 2 to 3 hours.
  • By consuming energy foods such as whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits.
  • Prefer walking to do most of the daily work of house and also try to maintain a schedule of walking around 30 to 40 minutes a day.
  • Don’t starve in order to loose weight; this will lack the metabolism factor in the body.
  • Be committed to your diet plan; don’t skip meals in between as it tends to consume junk food.

March 14, 2007

Get Abs in minutes!!!!!

I have come through a very effective technique to get abs in minutes as I have practiced it and I am really surprised by the result too, it has tremendous effect this super technique is called Kapalbhati Pranayam. There are six types of pranayama but this particular pranayama is very effective and impactful there are also other many benefits of kapalbhati pranayama
but i find it in the best way to get abs and also in reducing weight. It should be done empty stomach for 10 – 15 minutes everyday for the better results.

March 2, 2007

Super Food - Spirulina

I always believed Apples, Banana, Grapes, Flaxseeds, Soybean are very nutritious and I always made sure that my everyday diet contains all of these.

If I ask you which food has the highest protein content, you may say soybean if you are not aware of Spirulina.

Spirulina protein yields 10 times more that of soybeans, 20 times that of corn and 200 times greater than that of Non vegetarian foods.
NASA and WHO both think it is the best food. It has properties which strengthens the immune system, supports cardiovascular health, lower bad cholesterol; improve intestines and digestive health, enhance natural cleansing and reduce cancer risks.

My question here is different. Is spirulina available in India to address
mal-nutrition of Indian population?

I was surprised to see that India is a major manufacturer and exporter in Spirulina. Just google yourself or see the one of the link

Actually people here lack awareness.

Track your Goals

You can track your goals at Joe's Goals
, a simple yet powerful tool for tracking goals but here are the basic goals of physical fitness that every individual should have:

1. Regular workout: There should be a schedule of workout at gym or at home in order to maintain a good physique followed by circuit training of various body parts.

2. Healthy Diet: Diet is very important for a body one should have a nutritious diet plan.

3. Motivation : It is also one of the factors for going to gym and for consistency in an individual's performance so what is your motivation behind it?
