September 17, 2007

10 Muscle Building Tips!!!

Here's a really bad idea if you had a hard time building muscle while doing a lot of cardio. For most guys and gals, that will guarantee you a life without muscle, strength, or abs. But then there are people who turned things around them to overcome their problems to build muscle and burn fat with their workout and diet plan. If they can do it, you can also.
Here are some tips that will have the biggest impact on your success:

  • Stop reading silly bodybuilding magazines and stick to your trainer's advice.
  • If you want to use supplements only for workout nutrition, then it is ok otherwise stick to real food 90% of the time.
  • Do workouts with trained people.
  • Don't over kill a muscle group.
  • Do body part training for better results.
  • Focus on increasing your strength every 1-2 weeks.
  • Be Committed to Healthy lifestyle.
  • Get more sleep by going to bed earlier.
  • Be consistent with workouts YEAR round.
  • Eat right kind of food.

So, go ahead to build healthy life.

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