September 17, 2007

10 Muscle Building Tips!!!

Here's a really bad idea if you had a hard time building muscle while doing a lot of cardio. For most guys and gals, that will guarantee you a life without muscle, strength, or abs. But then there are people who turned things around them to overcome their problems to build muscle and burn fat with their workout and diet plan. If they can do it, you can also.
Here are some tips that will have the biggest impact on your success:

  • Stop reading silly bodybuilding magazines and stick to your trainer's advice.
  • If you want to use supplements only for workout nutrition, then it is ok otherwise stick to real food 90% of the time.
  • Do workouts with trained people.
  • Don't over kill a muscle group.
  • Do body part training for better results.
  • Focus on increasing your strength every 1-2 weeks.
  • Be Committed to Healthy lifestyle.
  • Get more sleep by going to bed earlier.
  • Be consistent with workouts YEAR round.
  • Eat right kind of food.

So, go ahead to build healthy life.

July 30, 2007

Weight Loss Program For Life!!!

People who are overweight have tried many diet and weight loss plans, from the low-carb diet to the low fat approach in the diet. But whatever be the plans they may not have achieve success and are still trying to lose weight. That's not surprising, most of the people who diet find weight loss a never-ending roller coaster ride.

That's where this weight management program can help you. This approach to weight loss is not a diet. It is a lifestyle program that can improve your health and help you maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime. This weight management program can be summarized in four essential components.
  • Eat well with the Healthy Diet Pyramids:

Use this pyramids to help you select the right kinds and amounts of food. If you eat the recommended number of servings, use the proper serving sizes and be physically active every day. This pyramid approach will surely help you to lose weight at a safe pace of 1 to 2 pounds a week.
  • Increase your physical activity:

Being active, either through physical activity or through a formal exercise program, is the next essential component of this weight management program. When you are active, your body uses energy(calories) to work, helping to burn the calories you take in with food you eat. Whatever activity you choose, the key is to doing it regularly. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity every day.

  • Set action goals:

Goal setting provides focus and path to achieve a healthy lifestyle. With a clear goal, you can readily turn your thoughts into action. When setting goals, focus on specific activities rather than pounds lost. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable and realistic so that you are able to reach them.

  • Get Started and Stay Motivated:

Motivation is the final essential component of this weight management program. It is natural to encounter mental roadblocks and resistance when you undertake a major lifestyle change. Once you are ready to get started make strategies to help strengthen and sustain your motivation.

Achieving a healthy weight takes continuous effort or more correctly, good planning and consistency but the rewards are clear: better health and more enjoyment from life. Over time, these steps will become a sustainable healthy lifestyle based on proper nutrition and increased physical activity. This change in lifestyle can be an enjoyable way for you to live.

July 23, 2007

Creatine: Muscle Enhancer or Kidney Killer???

Creatine works. Lifters know this, Researchers know this, and the marketers who sell the stuff know this. But nobody should put anything in their body without knowing the benefits and risks first. That goes for everything you eat, drink and to the amazing amino acid called creatine.

Creatine - typically bought in flavoured powders and mixed with liquid which increases the body's ability to produce energy rapidly. With more energy, you can train harder and more often, producing faster results. It's as simple as this If you can lift one or two more reps or 5 more pounds, your muscles will get bigger and stronger. Research shows that creatine is most effective in high intensity training and explosive activities. This includes weight training and sports that require short bursts of effort, such as sprinting, football, and baseball. There is less support to indicate that creatine improves endurance performance and aerobic-type exercise.

One thing is almost certain: If you take creatine, you'll gain weight. It'll happen quickly, While the initial gain is water (about 2 to 4 pounds in the first week of supplementation), subsequent gains are muscle due to the increase in the workload you can handle.

Because creatine is an "osmotically active substance," it pulls water into your muscle cells, which increases protein synthesis. Researchers found that muscle fibers grow when a person takes creatine.

The catch: This only happens if you take advantage of the boost in energy and hit the gym. Otherwise, it is just water weight.

The Other Side of the Story:

There have been unreliable reports of kidney damage, heart problems, muscle cramps, dehydration, and diarrhea, in addition to other negative side effects.

Some of these conditions can be caused by consuming too much of certain vitamins. Too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea, and too much iron may lead to stomach problems.

To be safe, use creatine only if you are healthy and have no kidney problems. That's because your kidneys excrete creatinine, a breakdown product of creatine.

June 27, 2007

5 Top Fat Burners!!!

All big fat belly people must be eagerly to know which fat burners are effective and best for them but the top 5 fat burners are not supplements. In fact, diet supplements are a useless way to lose weight and get rid of body fat. They just don't work. On the other hand, the right workout routineand nutrition programs will help burn fat fast and get the body you want.

So let's get right into are 5 ways to make this a great fat burning technique:
  • Do something you love:

If you are a beginner and you hate the gym, just do something you love! Don't make your healthy lifestyle a prison sentence. Enjoy what you eat and do. Just don't eat garbage and don't look at exercise as punishment.

  • Strength Training:
  • Interval Training:

From my previous post about speed interval workouts, a more weight loss from interval training than from long, slow cardio. In fact, the long, slow cardio group didn't lose any weight. Strength and Interval training are the 1-2 punch that blows fat off your body.

  • Eat 6 Small meals of whole, Natural Foods:

Fruits, Vegetables, Proteins, Nuts and Healthy Fats. It is that simple. Don't need to spend money on the "latest diet" and fat burners. You already know what to do.

  • Avoid Boozing, Sugar & Inactivity:

Yeah, I know you all must be thinking of what I am my saying but sometimes we just need the motivation. May be there is a donut within reach, or you will be thinking about watching a t.v. instead of exercising, or you have got a chocolate in one hand and an apple in the other.

Let this be a simple reminder to make the right choice.

Everything you do, takes you closer to OR away from fat loss.

June 2, 2007

Walking: The Best form of Fitness Exercise!!!

To Trim your waistline and want a healthy life, the best form of fitness is Walking. We all know how to walk and run but do we have ever made an effort to know how walking can be beneficial for our healthy lives? No!!! Or may be some them do know about it.

Walking is a gentle, high-impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. It is one of your body's most natural forms of exercise. It is safe, simple, does not require practice, and the health benefits are many. Here is more about why walking is good for you, and how to get started with a walking program.

Benefits of Walking:
  • Manage to reduce weight.
  • Manage Stress and boost up confidence.
  • Keeps Strong and active.
  • Pump up the heart beat which reduces the risk of any heart problems.
  • Controls the Blood pressure.
  • Manages the Diabetes.

Getting Started:

If you are a seasoned walker, keep doing what you are doing. If you have been inactive and exhaust easily, it is better to start slow and easy. Try short daily sessions of 3 to 5 minutes and slowly build up to 15 minutes twice a week. Then, over several week's time, you can gradually speed up your way to 30 minutes of walking five days each week.

Walking is a great exercise because it is so simple to do. But if your posture is poor or your movements exaggerated, you will increase your risk of injury. Using proper technique can avoid injuries and setbacks.

Shown below is the proper technique that should be followed while walking:

Walk with smooth movements. As you walk forward, roll your foot from heel to toe. Avoid coming down hard with your heel on the ground.

May 26, 2007

High Protein Fruit Smoothie!!!

A strong smoothie which is high in protein and it can be consumed any time for refreshment or after the gym as a post workout meal. Here is the recipe of the following:

1 Ripe Banana.
2 Tbsp. Orange Juice Concentrate or 1/2 cup orange juice.
1 cup non-fat yogurt, plain.
1/4 cup dry non-fat milk powder (for added protein calories).
1-2 Tbsp. honey to taste.
1 cup fresh or frozen fruit- berries, peaches, kiwi, nectarines, pineapple, cantaloupe, mango and papaya.
1/2 cup crushed ice.

This Smoothie contains 361 calories (Carbohydrates - 80g, Protein - 14g, Fat - 0.7g, Fiber - 4g)

Blend all this to enjoy the goodness of fruits and keep yourself energized.
  • Kiwi

  • Cantaloupe

  • Nectarines

May 19, 2007

4 Fitness Elements!!!

Different people have different goals in life and like many health goals achieving overall physical fitness is a balancing act. A rounded fitness training routine covers each of the elements of good health. Most of us are a committed fitness fanatic looking to optimize the results or perhaps some of them have just begun their journey to improve the health and want to establish a rounded fitness training routine. In spite of our present level of physical fitness, it is important to base our exercise goals upon these 4 primary elements of fitness.
  • Aerobic Fitness:

Regular aerobic fitness exercise increases the body's ability to use oxygen. How well we use oxygen is termed our "aerobic capacity". When our aerobic capacity is high, our heart, lungs and blood vessels efficiently transport and deliver large amount of oxygen throughout the body. The key to achieve aerobic capacity is to find fitness training activities that you enjoy and can do regularly. You need not limit yourself to a single activity, such as running. Adding variety and increasing your motivation by trying different types of aerobic activity, such as dancing, cycling or water aerobics at least 10 minutes in length will be beneficial to your health and body.

  • Muscular Fitness:

Muscular fitness refers to the strength and endurance of our muscles. The more fit our muscles are, the easier our daily tasks become. Strength training can help us in improving our muscular fitness. It also enables us to increase our body's lean muscle mass which helps to loose weight.

  • Flexibility:

Flexibility is the ability to move our joints through their full range of motion. We can maintain our body's flexibility through stretching. when we are flexible, routine tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie the shoe lace and hurrying to catch a bus or train, are easier and less tiring. Fitness training activities that lengthen our muscles increase our flexibility. One way to become more flexible is to include stretching exercises, Yoga and Accupresure therapy in our fitness routine.

  • Stabilty and Balance:

Stabilty and balance are associated with our body's core muscle strength - the muscles in our lower back, pelvis, hips and abdomen. These core muscles provide the support system for almost any activity or motion our body makes. They help us maintain stability and balance during our daily activities and in gym.

Including these four fitness elements can help us to live a longer and healthier life.

May 13, 2007

Your Body is Your Barbell

I am sure that most of us have ran non-stop for 15 minutes in gym or some where else or may be some them have not but have you ever performed 15 minutes of resistance exercise without rest? Try it with these challenging moves listed below and you will be surprised how hard you can work without a gym. Alternate your work out between the Y squat and the Spider-Man pushup for three sets of each. Then perform the remaining three exercises consecutively (again, without rest), doing three sets of each.
  • Y Squat
  • Spider-Man Pushups
  • Wall Slide
  • Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
  • Spider-Man Lunge

Y Squat:

Stand with your shoulder blades pulled back and your arms extended up and out so your body forms a Y. With your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, sit back at your hips to lower your body. Go as low as possible without allowing your back to round. Squeeze your gluteus and push yourself back up to the starting position. Do 12 repetitions.

Spider-Man Pushup:

Assume the classic pushup position with your legs straight and your abs tight. As you lower your body, bend your right leg and rotate your right knee outward until it's outside your right elbow. Don't drag your foot, and try not to allow your torso to rotate. Return to the starting position and repeat, pulling your left knee to your left elbow. Do 15 reps per side.

Wall Slide:

Stand with your butt, upper back, and head against a wall. Raise your arms so your shoulders, elbows, and wrists also touch the wall. Maintaining these points of contact, bend your arms until your elbows are tucked in at your sides. You should feel a contraction in your shoulders and the muscles between your shoulder blades. Reverse the move. Do 15 reps.

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift:

Stand on your left foot with your right foot raised behind you, arms hanging down in front of you. Keeping a natural arch in your spine, push your hips back and lower your hands and upper body. Squeeze your gluteus and press your heel into the floor to return to an upright position. Perform 15 reps per leg.

Spider-Man Lunge:

Assume the classic pushup position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, your legs straight, and your abs braced. Lift your right foot off the floor, bending your knee, and place the foot outside your right hand. Return to the starting position and lunge out with your left leg. Continue alternating legs for a total of 20 reps.

May 5, 2007

8 Power Foods: Never Go Hungry!!!

Meet the power foods that will shrink your belly and keep you healthy for life, I make sure that these power foods are on the top list of my diet plan to increase lean muscle mass with less fats for my body. The more of these foods you eat, the better your body will be able to gain muscles and power.
They have been proven for the lots of health and nutritional benefits for the human body like:
  • Builds muscle
  • Helps promote weight loss
  • Strengthens bones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Fights cancer
  • Improves immune function
  • Fights heart disease

Here's an easy way to remember the best power foods for body:

A.B.S. W.O.R.M

  • Almonds
  • Beans (Soyabeans, Kidney Beans)
  • Spinach & other green vegetables
  • Whole-grain Breads & Cereals
  • Olive Oil
  • Oatmeal
  • Raspberries & other berries
  • Milk & other dairy products

April 30, 2007

6 Greatest Ab Exercises of All Time!!!

The people who have been working out in a gym since years must have noticed and suggested to do these classic abs exercises and to list few of them they are:
  • Abs Crunches
  • Cable Crunch
  • Lying Leg Raises
  • Side Crunches
  • Seated Abs Crunches
  • Side Bend Crunches

Now time has changed and the approach towards the Ab exercise has also change, more rethinking has been done on the methodologies of these exercises and also there are lots of different ways has been introduced in the fitness world to maintain an individual's body. Better results with least efforts is the main goal of an individual to transform his body from unshaped body into muscular body.

Sculpt rock-hard abs with these new takes on a few old classic Ab Exercise:

Long-Arm Weighted Crunch:
This exercise targets your upper abs. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Hold a light dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms straight back beyond your head. Now crunch your rib cage toward your pelvis, keeping your shoulders still and your arms straight. Don't generate momentum with your arms. For better results perform 12 to 15 repetitions.

Seated Ab Crunch:

Sit on the edge of a bench. Grip the edge of the pad and lean back slightly, extending your legs down and away and keeping your heels 4 to 6 inches off the floor. Bend your knees and slowly raise your legs toward your chest. At the same time, lean forward with your upper body, allowing your chest to approach your thighs. Return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions.

This exercise targets both the lower abs and the obliques. Lie on your back, with your legs raised directly over your hips. Your knees should be slightly bent. Place your hands at your sides with the palms down. Use your lower abs to raise your hips off the floor and toward your rib cage, elevating your feet straight up. Simultaneously twist your hips to the right. Hold, then return to the starting position. Repeat, twisting to the left. Do 10 repetitions to each side.

Weighted One-Sided Crunch:

This exercise targets both the upper abs and the obliques. Lie with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, and hold a dumbbell with both hands by your right shoulder. Curl your upper-body up and rotate to the left. Lower yourself, finish the set on that side, then switch directions and repeat, holding the dumbbell next to your left shoulder. Perform three sets of eight repetitions to each side.

Kneeling Cable Crunch:
Kneel facing the pulley and hold the ends of a rope attached to the high cable along the sides of your face. Bend forward, aiming your chest at your pelvis. Return to the starting position, then repeat the movement, this time aiming your chest toward your left knee. Return, then repeat to your right. That's one repetition. Perform three sets of eight repetitions.

Crunch/Side-Bend Combo:
This exercise targets both the upper abs and the obliques. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands behind your ears. Curl up so your shoulder blades are off the floor. Bend at the waist to your left, aiming your left armpit toward your left hip. Straighten, then bend to your right. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat. Perform three sets of eight repetitions to each side.

April 25, 2007

Boost up your Cardio in 20 minutes!!!

Run less, lose more this summer its the perfect time for burning body fat, you must have heard of Slow and steady wins the race but when it comes to cardiovascular exercise this doesn’t apply all the time. The key for burning fat and loosing weight depends on cardio exercises and how they are practiced.

Speed Interval workouts – that’s what I have noticed and practiced it, the workout that is done at high intensity levels with lower intensity effort alternately at the same time. It helps your body to burn unwanted calories faster and quicker, it can be use in any way like running, cycling and swimming even while walking you can apply this technique. It’s the best way to keep your body fresh, energetic and also for building physical endurance.

The intensity levels can be practiced in different combinations according to your body type and stamina, the best part is that you will get benefits within 20 minutes of your interval workout but don’t do it more than twice a week as you may burn your unwanted calories but also burn out yourself.

You can practice this workout as shown below and can also build your own high-intensity interval training sessions.

3 to 5 minutes warm up
30 seconds high intensity
1 minute low intensity
1 minute high intensity
1 minute low intensity
1 minute high intensity
1 minute low intensity
45 seconds high intensity
1 minute low intensity
75 seconds high intensity
1 minute low intensity
30 seconds high intensity
3 to 5 minutes cool down

April 21, 2007

Acupressure Therapy

In this fast-paced world, we are used to take burden on ourselves, taking on too many commitments and extend ourselves to the point of exhaustion. This imbalances the energy and weakens our immune system. If we take good care of our body by eating properly, taking enough rest, exercising and practicing techniques that release tension and balance our bodies then our resistance to illness will be strong but if we don't, we will be more prone to illness, i have come across an ancient therapy called 'Acupressure' which is very effective for our body and mind.

Acupressure therapy is a useful way to strengthen our immune system and to fight with illness, it also helps to release muscular tension, allowing the blood to flow freely and toxins to be released and eliminated. This therapy is performed not only for relaxation but to ease a wide variety of ailments and symptoms. Acupressure massage has various benefits to the body to list some of them they are:

  • Skin
  • Muscle pain
  • Migraine headaches
  • Pregnancy
  • Digestive system

There are various acupressure points in our body which has been shown below, massage these points using fingers and get relieved.

April 4, 2007

Get rid off Stress

Almost every person gets stressed out daily through cranky situations in life; Now what these situations are? Is it tiring schedule, frustration or may be some other reason. Stress is the body's reaction to challenging situations and circumstances. When you are stressed, the body produces the energy to fight or run away from those situations. If stressed too frequently, your body, mind and daily routine will be affected.

Some sources of stress are workloads, fears, worries, relationships, change, commuting, disease, finances, projects and work. When "stressed out" for long periods of time, people become tired, irritable, anxious, or depressed. If it goes on without relief, it will affect your body, immune system and leads to disease.

Relaxation allows recovery from stress during this period; always take time to care for both your body and mind. I personally think that relaxed breathing is the quickest and easiest way to release some stress try some of these relaxation techniques like Yoga, Music, Exercise, Meditation, Massage, visualization technique etc. to get rid off stress.

Take your time for relaxation everyday, prioritize your time. Learn to adapt to change. Remember that the mind and body work together. When the body is healthy, mind is more positive and steady. Stress is part of the job, but when tension starts turning into exhaustion, it's time to step in and save your mind.

March 24, 2007

Increase Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process where lots of chemical reaction takes place in the body that converts the food we eat into the energy, which is necessary for us to perform routine activities and also
during workouts in a gym. It depends on an individual’s metabolism quotient, what you eat is what you reap that is the basic logic behind it. Now people overhere hold various wrong notions about this topic and physical endurance. Here are the simple ways that a person can increase their metabolism and physical endurance.

  • One should always have a healthy breakfast in the morning.
  • By eating smaller meals throughout the day at regular intervals of 2 to 3 hours.
  • By consuming energy foods such as whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits.
  • Prefer walking to do most of the daily work of house and also try to maintain a schedule of walking around 30 to 40 minutes a day.
  • Don’t starve in order to loose weight; this will lack the metabolism factor in the body.
  • Be committed to your diet plan; don’t skip meals in between as it tends to consume junk food.

March 14, 2007

Get Abs in minutes!!!!!

I have come through a very effective technique to get abs in minutes as I have practiced it and I am really surprised by the result too, it has tremendous effect this super technique is called Kapalbhati Pranayam. There are six types of pranayama but this particular pranayama is very effective and impactful there are also other many benefits of kapalbhati pranayama
but i find it in the best way to get abs and also in reducing weight. It should be done empty stomach for 10 – 15 minutes everyday for the better results.

March 2, 2007

Super Food - Spirulina

I always believed Apples, Banana, Grapes, Flaxseeds, Soybean are very nutritious and I always made sure that my everyday diet contains all of these.

If I ask you which food has the highest protein content, you may say soybean if you are not aware of Spirulina.

Spirulina protein yields 10 times more that of soybeans, 20 times that of corn and 200 times greater than that of Non vegetarian foods.
NASA and WHO both think it is the best food. It has properties which strengthens the immune system, supports cardiovascular health, lower bad cholesterol; improve intestines and digestive health, enhance natural cleansing and reduce cancer risks.

My question here is different. Is spirulina available in India to address
mal-nutrition of Indian population?

I was surprised to see that India is a major manufacturer and exporter in Spirulina. Just google yourself or see the one of the link

Actually people here lack awareness.

Track your Goals

You can track your goals at Joe's Goals
, a simple yet powerful tool for tracking goals but here are the basic goals of physical fitness that every individual should have:

1. Regular workout: There should be a schedule of workout at gym or at home in order to maintain a good physique followed by circuit training of various body parts.

2. Healthy Diet: Diet is very important for a body one should have a nutritious diet plan.

3. Motivation : It is also one of the factors for going to gym and for consistency in an individual's performance so what is your motivation behind it?

February 23, 2007

Body Engineering Process

As MBA student at IIPM, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) was one of the topics I was very much fascinated about as it involves Lateral Thinking on part of the Business Managers and require them to redesign of business processes to achieve remarkable improvements.
I though that this concept is also applicable to improve your body and body language to a great extent. I would like to call it “Body Process Re-Engineering”.

The Body Engineering Process will be about doing lateral thinking about your body structure and what language it speaks to its audience. It usually happens with many of us that we impose self-resisting limits for ourselves. It is about knowing our As Is position verses our To Be Position and then to bridge the gap between the two positions. The person should envisage his or her To Be look, feel and move to set achievable goals for him or herself. If you ask me as a body re-engineering expert, I will suggest that your ultimate fitness goal should be to build your cardiovascular stamina, physical endurance, flexibility with proper body weight and body proportion.

So let us get ready for the redesigning of your body and body language with the new tool called BPR.

February 20, 2007

Its Not at all about PUMPING!!!!!!!!

To many people body building is all about getting their arm muscles pumped up but it’s a wrong notion. Actually, they have not understood the true meaning of overall body building. It is about your entire Physical Fitness. Yes the physical fitness not only defines your shape of the body but also your body language and confidence.

People who are not into physical fitness say that they are busy or they will look ugly after body building. Actually they are lazy and procrastinators. They lack patience and understanding as to how important it is to attend to their body’s maintenance needs regularly.

People who are impatient to make their body in shape choose wrong paths or realize when there is no hope of return. Then, they have only one option left is to justify their failures.

So, my only suggestion is to all of you to start today as today is the right time to become honest to your health needs. Health is wealth. Go to a gym to work out or do it yourself at your home but do it regularly to stay fit and stay confident.

February 12, 2007

Magical Exercise Called Isometric

Isometric exercise
is an exercise without using weights. You need just 15 minutes to do this. There are advantages as well as limitations of doing Isometric exercises. But most of the limitations can be ruled out by using latest machines like Bullworker. This machines are also not very expensive.

You can use this method of exercise at home without going to an expensive gym. Also, you can see quick results in your body.

Only disadvantage I can see doing isometric exercise is that you still need a trainer who can resolve your queries and guide you till the point you can inspire yourself to do it right and regularly.

Bye for now.
